What Are Street Clubs?

Street clubs date back to as early as 1917. 

Many streets in our community have long-standing traditions such as block parties, gourmet dinners, taking part in parades, marches, environmental projects and holding street meetings.

Some streets meet regularly; others have occasional meetings to discuss specific issues or areas of concern. Street associations give neighbors an opportunity to get to know each other, work together to solve common problems, have some fun and strengthen a sense of community.

We are expanding the role of street clubs that will give youth encouragement, strength and power they can’t get on their own by themselves. The exposure to outside opportunities through association conversation and instructional direction. To build their future.

Streetclubs USA will give parents back their sanity to help them work with their kids and the kids on the street to understand and prepare for these unusual times. Facing the challenges of today and the possibilities of tomorrow. Working with you through the victories and disappointment together with neighbor’s support. Help you to find new friends and reconnect with the old ones. 

We have projects and programs to take you from a shut-in person to a get out person From Victim to Victors and from being stressed to being blessed. And since we are taking up where our forefathers left with street clubs, you are already enrolled as inactive members. There is no obligation, no cost and no responsibilities. But as an inactive member you are given the opportunity to receive vital information affecting your community, offers of resources and support referrals to city, state and in some cases federal assistance. 

 Shop at our online store where every dollar spent a portion goes to your street club to help them solve proximity problems, problems in your area just by being a citizen and resident of Greater Cleveland.

This inactive membership is our way of not leaving anyone behind. Now active membership gives you all that inactive gives and more. Identification, badges and written and endorsed designations, the Heru safety monitors, the welcome wagon, Projects, programs, events for leadership and more kids programs like maximizing manhood for boys and the Biasharas for girls., reservations, privileges and a greater voice to influence public officials, neighborhood businesses, church, synagogue and mosques. educational institutions, cultural excursions and classes, economic advice by trained professionals, health features from the hospital staff, safety connections and of course the arts. All for one dollar a month and attending and participating in the governing of your street,and knowing you are making a difference in your community. Not just talking the talk, but walking the walk Sounds GREAT. Well come on and visit more of our website, go to the meetings coming up in your neighborhood and see for yourself. My daddy always said a closed mouth won’t get fed. See you at the meetings.